Thursday, June 1, 2023

Gematria Numbers

Introduction to Gematria

Gematria is an ancient practice that assigns numerical value to each letter of the alphabet. This practice allows words and phrases to be interpreted and compared through their numerical sums.. More about gematria numbers

The Origins of Gematria

The origins of gematria can be traced back to the Hebrew language, where each letter represents a number. Jewish scholars often used gematria as a form of interpreting the Torah and other sacred texts. However, many other cultures have employed forms of numeric symbolism in their own languages, including Greek, Latin, Arabic and Persian.

Numerical Values in Hebrew Gematria

In Hebrew gematria, each letter corresponds with a specific value from one to nine hundred ninety-nine. The first nine letters correspond with values one through nine, ten through ninety correspond with tens (multiples of ten), one hundred through four hundred correspond with hundreds (multiples of one hundred), five hundred corresponds with five-hundred (halfway between four-hundred and six-hundred) while six-hundred through nine-hundred ninety-nine correspond respectively with thousands multiples.

Gematria Numerology Meanings

There are different methods applied in assigning numerical values for various languages that use gematrical system. Different schools or practitioners may have varied interpretations but most generally hold a few common interpretations for these numbers which ranges from mystical analysis on words they are used for eg occult practices such as Kabbalah among others


-The word "KABBALAH" has 57 numerological value which means "Light" -"YHVH Elohim" refers alternatively as Yahwe Elohim is 717 which means "Power and Strength of God" -There are many other examples in Hebrew texts, such as 18 representing "Life" and 70 representing "Fullness".


Gematria is a fascinating topic of study that has been used for centuries to extract deeper meanings from language. While some may interpret its significance differently, there is no denying the intricate process behind assigning numerical value to words and phrases.

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